Featured U.S. Presidents

Presidential Libraries & Museums

West Branch, IA

Hyde Park, NY

Independence, MO

Austin, TX

Yorba Linda, CA

Grand Rapids, MI

Atlanta, GA

Simi Valley, CA

College Station, TX

Little Rock, AR

Dallas, TX

Springfield, IL

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About The Author

Dan Nielsen spent over 30 years as a healthcare executive, including 15 years as a hospital CEO and 15 years as the lead executive and innovator of national healthcare education and networking programs. He has been facilitating discussions, conducting learning workshops, and delivering keynotes for just as long, and is passionate about engaginginspiring, and empowering people to achieve greater success personally, professionally, and organizationally! He has interviewed hundreds of highly successful leaders over the years, and is the author of 2 leadership books and over 1,000 articles.

Additional Resources

I have  provided below a selection of  websites that I found to be the most informative and reliable during my research for the book. I encourage you to utilize these online resources for further information on the United States Presidents, the American presidency, and the United States Presidential Libraries and Museums.

Websites of the Presidential Libraries & Museums

The presidential libraries webpage of the NARA

Hoover Presidential Foundation

Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation

Carter Center

George W. Bush Presidential Center 

The White House

The U.S. Senate

U.S. Army Center of Military History

Miller Center

Hauenstein Center for Presidential & Leadership Studies

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)

Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-SPAN)