William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum - Little Rock, AR

View out the museum windows toward downtown Little Rock

Main exhibit gallery

Timeline featuring each year of Clinton’s presidency

Example table setting for official State Dinners

Clinton’s first home, located in Hope, Arkansas

Clinton School of Public Service housed inside historic railroad station

View of the library and museum from across the Arkansas River

Converted railroad bridge now used as a footbridge across the river

Pathway through restored wetlands adjacent to Clinton Presidential Park

Clinton’s presidential limousine

Specially restored 1946 Schwinn bicycle given to President Clinton

President Clinton’s desk within Oval Office replica

Replica of White House Cabinet Room

One of many gifts of state accepted by President Clinton

View of the kitchen stove inside Clinton's first childhood home

View of the living room inside Clinton's first childhood home

Exhibit within Clinton's first home featuring a photo of his mother holding him as an infant

Exhibit depicting Clinton's 1992 presidential race

Exhibit depicting President Clinton's focus on America's economy

Veranda outside of the 'Forty Two' restaurant within the museum

Fountain outside of museum entrance

Museum entrance

William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum - Little Rock, AR

Clinton School of Public Service

Sign outside of converted railroad station describing its history

The Clinton Museum overlooking a branch of the Arkansas River

The Arkansas River, in front of the Clinton Library & Museum

The skyline of Little Rock, Arkansas, at sunset

Converted railroad bridge now used as a footbridge across the river

The skyline of Little Rock, Arkansas, as seen from the footbridge in front of the Clinton Library & Museum

Hallway outside of the replica White House Cabinet Room

Visitors perusing the museum exhibits

View of main exhibit gallery and exhibit alcoves

Exhibit featuring photo of Governor Clinton and Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show

Exhibit featuring photo of President Reagan and the Clintons

Exhibit featuring photo of the Clinton family when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas

Replica of Clinton's Oval Office

Display of quote from Bill Clinton

Replica of Clinton's Oval Office

Exhibit featuring photos from Clinton's presidential campaign

Interactive replica of White House Cabinet Room

Display of quote from President Clinton's first inaugural address

Exhibit depicting the principle of putting people first

Exhibit depicting the Clinton administration's focus on lifelong education

Exhibit depicting the changes and opportunities in science and technology during Clinton's administration

View of the exhibit alcoves on the first floor of main gallery

Visitors perusing museum exhibits

Exhibit depicting the Clinton administration's efforts in confronting conflict across the world

Exhibit featuring state gifts and photos depicting life in the White House

Exhibit featuring state gifts

Exhibit featuring a part of Clinton's music collection

Exhibit featuring photos and memorabilia from holidays celebrated in the White House

View from Forty-Two restaurant veranda outside of museum

The map of the William J. Clinton Presidential Center and Park

Converted railroad bridge