Exhibit depicting desperate times during the Great Depression

Gallery featuring Roosevelt’s first campaign and election

Exhibit where visitors can listen to excerpts from FDR’s “fireside chats”

First exhibit within the museum, featuring photos & videos from FDR’s life

Exhibit depicting Franklin Roosevelt’s famous “New Deal for the American People”

Actual office that FDR used at his presidential library and museum

Timeline and details of World War II

Display featuring American war posters from World War II

Outbuildings on the Roosevelt estate

Bronze sculpture of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt

Exhibit featuring the nation’s reaction to President Roosevelt’s death and funeral

Display showing Eleanor Roosevelt’s many pursuits after her husband’s death

Exhibit depicting Eleanor Roosevelt’s relentless advocacy of human rights

The gravesite of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt

Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum - Hyde Park, NY

Franklin Roosevelt’s lifelong home, Springwood Mansion

Portion of exhibit depicting the foundations of Roosevelt's life of public service

A radio microphone used by FDR to deliver some of his famous 'Fireside Chats' during the 1930s

Exhibit featuring many of the New Deal programs President Roosevelt enacted during his administration

Exhibit depicting the controversy and debate of whether or not President Roosevelt would run for a third term

Exhibit depicting Roosevelt's early years in public office

Exhibit depicting FDR's remarkable triumph over the hardships caused by his disability

Exhibit featuring photographs and stories from FDR's frequent visits to Warm Springs, Georgia

Exhibit depicting Roosevelt's return to politics after overcoming the disease that had robbed him of independent mobility

Display explaining Eleanor Roosevelt's significant impact on the world after her husband's death

Exhibits depicting the life and impact of Eleanor Roosevelt

Exhibit featuring a timeline of FDR's presidency

Display describing the beginning of FDR's presidency

Exhibits depicting FDR's first presidential campaign and inauguration

Exhibit featuring photos, letters, and artifacts related to FDR's disability

Exhibit describing the day that brought America into World War II

FDR's specially customized 1936 Ford Phaeton

Bronze busts of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt

A sculpture made from a portion of the Berlin Wall, located in 'Freedom Court' behind the museum

Paul, the head gardener at the FDR Library & Museum, working in the garden

Flowers in the garden where the Roosevelts are burried

Entrance to the rose garden and Roosevelt gravesite

Exhibit depicting portraits and details from FDR's family background

Exhibit depicting FDR's disability and how he was viewed by the public during his lifetime

Exhibit explaining the significance of the 'Great Sphinx' depiction of President Roosevelt

"The Great Sphinx" - a sculpture created as the centerpiece of a 1939 satirical skit

Exhibits depicting the unsavory details of World War II

Exhibit depicting FDR's secret Map Room, used during WWII

A reproduction of President Roosevelt's secret wartime map room

Exhibit featuring some of the young officers who served during WWII

Exhibit depicting the gruesome realities of the holocaust

Display featuring the front page from Washington, D.C.'s "The Evening Star" from the day President Roosevelt died

Roosevelt's desk and personal items from his Oval Office

Exhibit featuring a photograph of Eleanor Roosevelt and the actual suitcase she carried on many of her travels

A portion of FDR's model ship collection, carefully stored in the museum's underground holdings

A peek into one of the rooms filled with archival materials from the life and administration of FDR

A dirt road crossing the grounds of the FDR Library & Museum

A glimpse inside the living room of Springwood Mansion

Franklin Roosevelt's bedroom inside Springwood Mansion

The stables on the grounds of the Roosevelt estate

The greenhouse, adjacent to the rose garden and gravesite