George Bush Presidential Library & Museum - College Station, TX

“The Day the Wall Came Down”—a symbol of freedom

Exhibits depicting the Bush family values and traditions

Exhibit depicting young George Bush’s service in the naval air force during World War II

The baseball mitt used by Bush at Yale and later kept in his Oval Office

1947 Studebaker identical to the one Bush drove to Texas in 1948

Sculpture and exhibits representing Bush’s time as Ambassador to the U.N.

Gallery featuring the Bushes’ experience living in China

A portion of an exhibit depicting the Persian Gulf War

Barbara Bush Rose Garden overlooking a large pond behind the museum

Eventual gravesite of the Bushes, alongside their daughter Robin

Bridge and pathway leading to the Bush family gravesite

Colorful bench in front of the library and museum

"The Day the Wall Came Down" sculpture

Dedication plaque explaining significance of the sculpture

George Bush's presidential limousine

Display featuring large presidential seal and portraits of George and Barbara Bush

Exhibit depicting the impact of "Faith, Family, Friends" during Bush's childhood

Exhibit featuring portrait of young Barbara Pierce and a quote from George Bush about first meeting her

Restored 1944 TBM Avenger like that George Bush flew as a Navy pilot

Exhibit depicting an incident where Navy pilot George Bush had to perform an emergency landing

Exhibit depicting the incident where Bush's plane was shot down and he had to bail out

Display of quote from the newly married George Bush

Exhibit featuring photos and the dress from George and Barbara Bush's wedding

Exhibit depicting Bush's transition from a Navy pilot to a college student at Yale

Exhibit featuring photo of George Bush as captain of the Yale baseball team

Exhibit featuring photo of George & Barbara Bush and their first son, George W. Bush

Exhibit depicting George and Barbara Bush's determination to "make their own way" in life

Exhibit featuring the bill of sale from the Bushes' purchase of a new 1947 Studebaker

1947 Studebaker identical to the one Bush drove to Texas in 1948

Exhibit depicting Bush's entry into the field of politics

Exhibit depicting Bush's time as a Texas congressman

Exhibit featuring photos from the Bushes' time living in China

Exhibit featuring photo from Bush's time as the Director of the CIA

White House facade with displays depicting the Bushes' life during the presidency

Partial replica of Bush's Oval Office

Display of family photographs Bush kept in his Oval Office

Exhibit featuring portrait of First Lady Barbara Bush

Display of a quote from Barbara Bush

Exhibit depicting Barbara Bush's pursuits and impact as the First Lady

Replica of Bush's office at Camp David

Exhibit depicting the Bushes' time spent at Camp David

Exhibit featuring a portion of the Berlin Wall

Interactive replica of the White House Situation Room

Exhibit depicting the Iraqi aggression toward Kuwait that sparked the Gulf War

Exhibit depicting President Bush's key role in building a coalition to confront Iraq

Exhibit depicting details of Operation Dessert Storm

Exhibit depicting the celebrated end of the Gulf War and return of U.S. troops

Exhibit depicting a tent shelter like that used by soldiers during the Gulf War

Exhibit depicting Bush's 1992 campaign for reelection

Exhibit featuring photo of George and Barbara Bush walking together

Exhibit depicting Bush's "Points of Light" program

Exhibits depicting the Bushes' continued commitment to the fight against cancer

Barbara Bush Rose Garden overlooking a large pond behind the museum

Plaque marking the Bushes' eventual gravesite

Quote from President Bush displayed on the outer wall of the museum