Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library & Museum - Austin, TX

Fountain in front of the LBJ Library and Museum

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Garden

Exhibit featuring campaign poster and photographs from LBJ’s congressional career

Exhibit featuring news headlines from that fateful day, November 22, 1963

Part of an exhibit depicting the details and controversy of the Vietnam War

View of library archives from inside the museum’s Great Hall

Etched magnesium mural depicting stages of LBJ’s political career

Exhibit depicting civil rights legislation President Johnson pushed through Congress

Exhibit depicting LBJ’s primary initiative, creating a “Great Society”

Exhibit depicting the Kennedy-Johnson campaign of 1960

Display within museum gift shop that includes candid photo of LBJ howling with his dog while his grandson looks on

Exhibit featuring the famous “Johnson Treatment”

Display featuring portraits of each U.S. President and First Lady

LBJ Library, view from in front of fountain

View of small wildflower garden honoring Lady Bird Johnson

Life size sculpture of Lyndon Johnson

Johnson's presidential limousine

Exhibit featuring photo and description of LBJ's boyhood home

Exhibit featuring photo and description of the LBJ Ranch

Display of LBJ quote about his library and museum

Exhibit featuring photo of President Johnson signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Theater featuring video about President Johnson's life and impact

Display of humorous LBJ quote

Exhibit describing the many transformations that occurred during LBJ's lifetime

Exhibit featuring a campaign poster from LBJ's early congressional career

Display featuring campaign pins from the 1964 presidential election

Exhibit featuring recorded telephone conversations of President Johnson's

Exhibit featuring caricatures and a wax figure of LBJ

Exhibit featuring a timeline of key events from the early 1900s through 1930s

Exhibit featuring a timeline of key events from the 1930s and '40s

Exhibit featuring a timeline of key events from the 1940s through the 1950s

Exhibit featuring a timeline of key events from the early 1960s, including the beginning of LBJ's administration

Exhibit featuring a timeline of key events from 1967

Exhibit featuring a timeline of key events from 1968, LBJ's last year in office

Exhibit featuring photo of President Johnson inside his Oval Office

Exhibit featuring a timeline of key events from the 1960s

Display featuring a replica of the moon

Exhibit depicting key events in the space race

Exhibit featuring albums and memorabilia from the 1960s

Exhibit depicting the many pieces of legislation passed during Johnson's administration

Exhibit describing President Johnson's "War on Poverty"

Exhibit depicting photo and details from LBJ's exhortation to the Congress to continue the vision set by Kennedy

Exhibit depicting that fateful day, November 22, 1963

Exhibit featuring photo and items from Johnson's swearing in as the 36th U.S. President, aboard Air Force One

Exhibit featuring the pens used by President Johnson to sign new legislation into law

Display featuring LBJ's favorite cowboy boots

Replica of LBJ's Oval Office, including the three televisions on which he watched the news

Exhibit featuring photos from the life and impact of Lady Bird Johnson

Replica of Lady Bird Johnson's office

Exhibit featuring photos of the Johnson family

Exhibit depicting LBJ's passion for politics and public service

Exhibit describing Johnson's faith in the potential of the government to help the people

Gallery of exhibits depicting the events, details, and struggles of President Johnson's administration

Exhibit depicting Johnson's steady climb up the political ladder leading to the presidency

Display of a quote from LBJ's 1965 inaugural address